Home Save Money 10 Money-Saving Tips For Busy Moms

10 Money-Saving Tips For Busy Moms

by Ashelen

Raising children can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it’s no secret that it can also be a financial challenge. Between the cost of diapers, clothes, school supplies, extracurricular activities, and all the little things in between, it can feel like your wallet is constantly being drained. But there are ways to stretch your budget and still provide everything your little ones need.

Here are 10 money-saving tips that can help you do just that:

Tip #1: Make a budget and stick to it

Budgeting might not be the most glamorous topic, but trust me when I say it’s one of the most important things you can do to help manage your finances. And when it comes to raising children, having a budget can be a lifesaver. It helps you keep track of your income and expenses, so you can see exactly where your money is going and make adjustments as needed.

So how can budgeting help busy moms save money on child-related expenses? For starters, it can help you identify areas where you might be overspending. Maybe you’re buying too many toys or clothes, or paying for extracurricular activities that your child doesn’t really enjoy. By creating a budget, you can see exactly how much you’re spending in these areas and decide if it’s necessary or if there are ways to cut back.

Budgeting can also help you plan for unexpected expenses. Kids are notorious for needing new shoes, for example, just as the old ones are starting to wear out. By setting aside money in your budget for these kinds of expenses, you won’t be caught off guard when they arise. And finally, budgeting can help you prioritize your spending. Maybe you’ve always wanted to sign your child up for piano lessons, but the cost has always been a barrier. By creating a budget, you can see exactly how much money you have available to spend on non-essential items and make a decision based on what’s most important to you.

Tips for Making a Budget

  1. Determine your income: The first step in creating a budget is to determine how much money you have coming in. This includes your salary, any child support or alimony you receive, and any other sources of income. Make sure to include all sources of income, even if they’re irregular.
  2. Identify your fixed expenses: Fixed expenses are bills that you have to pay every month, such as rent or mortgage payments, car payments, and insurance premiums. Make a list of all your fixed expenses and the amount you have to pay for each one.
  3. Identify your variable expenses: Variable expenses are expenses that can vary from month to month, such as groceries, gas, and entertainment. Again, make a list of these expenses and the amount you typically spend on each one.
  4. Track your expenses: Now that you know your income and your fixed and variable expenses, it’s time to start tracking your actual spending. This can be done manually by writing down everything you spend in a notebook, or you can use a budgeting app or spreadsheet to keep track of your expenses automatically.
  5. Cut unnecessary costs: Once you know where your money is going, it’s time to start cutting unnecessary costs. Look for areas where you can trim your budget, such as by canceling subscriptions you don’t use or finding cheaper alternatives for things like cable or cell phone service.
  6. Set financial goals: Having specific financial goals can help you stay motivated and on track with your budget. Maybe you want to save up for a family vacation, pay off credit card debt, or build an emergency fund. Whatever your goals are, make sure to include them in your budget.
  7. Review and adjust your budget regularly: Your budget is a living document, and it’s important to review and adjust it regularly. As your income or expenses change, your budget should reflect those changes. Make sure to review your budget at least once a month to see how you’re doing and make any necessary adjustments.

Creating a budget might seem like a daunting task, but it’s a crucial step in managing your finances and saving money.

Tip #2: Plan ahead for school expenses

Sending children to school can be a significant financial burden for parents. In addition to tuition or other enrollment fees, there are a number of other costs to consider, such as uniforms, school supplies, and extracurricular activities.

Uniforms can be a major expense, especially if your child’s school has strict dress code requirements. In addition to the cost of the uniform itself, you may also have to pay for alterations or additional pieces as your child grows.

School supplies can also add up quickly. In addition to the basic supplies like pens, pencils, and paper, your child may also need specialized supplies for certain subjects, such as art supplies or a scientific calculator. And don’t forget about the cost of a backpack, lunch box, and other everyday essentials.

Extracurricular activities can also be a financial burden. Many schools offer a variety of sports, music, and other activities that can be a great way for children to learn and grow, but they often come with additional costs, such as fees for equipment or transportation.

All of these costs can add up quickly, making it important for parents to budget carefully and look for ways to save on school-related expenses. Some options might include shopping sales and using coupons for supplies, renting or buying used uniforms, and looking for scholarships or financial assistance for extracurricular activities. By being proactive and making smart financial choices, parents can help minimize the costs of sending their children to school.

Here are some tips for saving on these types of expenses:

  1. Shop sales and use coupons: One of the easiest ways to save money on school-related expenses is to shop sales and use coupons. Many stores offer discounts on school supplies, uniforms, and other items during the back-to-school season, so it pays to keep an eye out for these deals. In addition, many stores offer loyalty programs or newsletters that include coupons or special discounts. Signing up for these can help you save even more.
  2. Buy in bulk: Another way to save money on school-related expenses is to buy in bulk. Many stores offer discounts on items like paper, pens, and other supplies when you buy in larger quantities. This can be especially helpful if you have multiple children in school or if you’re able to coordinate with other parents to place a bulk order.
  3. Rent or buy used uniforms: Uniforms can be a major expense, but you can save money by renting or buying used items. Many schools have a uniform exchange program or allow students to sell their used uniforms to other families. In addition, many thrift stores and online marketplaces offer used uniforms at a fraction of the cost of new ones.
  4. Look for scholarships or financial assistance: Extracurricular activities can be a great way for children to learn and grow, but they can also be expensive. If the cost is a barrier, consider looking for scholarships or financial assistance to help cover the costs. Many schools, sports leagues, and other organizations offer financial assistance or have programs in place to help families in need.
  5. Consider trading services with other parents: Finally, consider trading services with other parents to save money on school-related expenses. For example, you might be able to trade babysitting services with another parent in exchange for help with carpooling or paying for extracurricular activities. This can be a great way to save money and build community at the same time.

Tip #3: Limit the number of toys and clothes purchased

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the average cost of raising a child from birth to age 17 is approximately $233,610. This figure includes expenses related to housing, food, transportation, health care, and other necessities, as well as education and child care.

In terms of toys and entertainment, the amount a family spends will also vary based on a variety of factors, such as the age of the child and the family’s income and budget. According to a survey by the National Retail Federation, the average family with children under 18 years old planned to spend approximately $230 on toys and entertainment in 2020.

It’s only natural for parents to want to provide their children with everything they need and want, but it’s important to be mindful of the financial impact of constantly buying new toys and clothes. Here are a few reasons why it’s important to be mindful of these expenses:

  1. Children grow quickly: One of the main reasons parents constantly buy new toys and clothes is because children grow out of them so quickly. While it’s important to make sure your child has the things they need, it’s also important to recognize that they won’t be able to wear or play with these items for very long. By being mindful of this, you can save money by buying fewer items or by choosing quality items that will last longer.
  2. It can add up: Another reason to be mindful of these expenses is that they can add up quickly. It’s easy to get caught up in the “buy, buy, buy” mentality, especially when it comes to our children, but the costs can really add up over time. By being more selective about what you buy and setting limits on these expenses, you can save money in the long run.
  3. It’s not always necessary: Finally, it’s important to recognize that it’s not always necessary to buy new toys and clothes for your child. There are many other ways to provide your child with fun and educational experiences, such as by visiting local libraries, parks, and museums, or by participating in free or low-cost activities. By being creative and looking for alternative options, you can save money and still provide your child with a rich and fulfilling life.

Here are a few more tips on how to save money on child-related expenses:

  1. Look for scholarships or financial assistance: Extracurricular activities can be a great way for children to learn and grow, but they can also be expensive. If the cost is a barrier, consider looking for scholarships or financial assistance to help cover the costs. Many schools, sports leagues, and other organizations offer financial assistance or have programs in place to help families in need.
  2. Host a toy swap: Rather than constantly buying new toys, consider hosting a toy swap with other families in your community. This can be a fun and cost-effective way for children to try out new toys, and it can help reduce waste by keeping gently used toys in circulation.
  3. Consider home-based child care: If you’re paying for child care, consider looking for home-based child care options. These can often be less expensive than traditional child care centers, and they may offer a more personalized and nurturing environment for your child.
  4. Set limits on non-essential expenses: Finally, consider setting limits on non-essential expenses, such as treats and outings. While it’s important to have fun and enjoy life with your children, it’s also important to be mindful of your budget. By setting limits and being selective about what you spend money on, you can save money and still have a great time with your children.

Tip #4: Look for free or low-cost extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities can be a great way for children to learn new skills, build confidence, and make new friends, but they can also be expensive. According to a survey by the National Center for Education Statistics, the average annual cost of extracurricular activities for a child in the United States is approximately $706. This figure includes costs such as fees, uniforms, and equipment, as well as travel and other expenses. While extracurricular activities can be a valuable investment in a child’s education and development, it’s important for families to be mindful of the costs and to look for affordable options whenever possible.

Here are a few ideas for free or low-cost extracurricular activities:

  1. Local sports leagues: Many local sports leagues, such as youth soccer, basketball, and baseball leagues, offer free or low-cost programs for children. These programs can be a great way for children to get involved in sports and stay active, without the high costs of club or travel teams.
  2. Community classes: Many community centers and schools offer free or low-cost classes in a variety of subjects, such as art, music, and dance. These classes can be a great way for children to learn new skills and try new activities without breaking the bank.
  3. Library programs: Many libraries offer free or low-cost programs and activities for children, such as story times, craft workshops, and book clubs. These programs can be a great way for children to learn and have fun in a safe and supportive environment.
  4. Nature programs: Many local parks and nature centers offer free or low-cost programs and activities for children, such as nature walks, bird watching, and environmental education programs. These programs can be a great way for children to learn about the natural world and get outside.
  5. Scouts and other youth organizations: Scouts and other youth organizations, such as 4-H and Boys & Girls Clubs, often offer free or low-cost programs and activities for children. These programs can be a great way for children to make new friends, learn new skills, and develop a sense of community.

Tip #5: Be mindful of everyday expenses

Small, everyday expenses, such as snacks and drinks, can quickly add up and make a significant dent in your budget. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the average family with children spends approximately $600 per year on snacks and drinks. While these expenses might seem insignificant on their own, they can quickly add up and make it harder to afford other necessities or reach your financial goals.

To save money on these expenses, consider the following tips:

  1. Pack your own lunches and drinks: One of the easiest ways to save money on snacks and drinks is to pack your own when you’re on the go. This can save you money compared to buying from vending machines, convenience stores, or fast food restaurants. Consider packing a variety of healthy and satisfying options, such as sandwiches, fruit, vegetables, and nuts.
  2. Don’t just buy them; make your own snacks and drinks: Instead of buying expensive snack bars or packaged snacks, consider making your own. This can save you money and allow you to control the ingredients and portion sizes. Similarly, instead of buying bottled drinks, consider making your own by brewing coffee, tea, or lemonade at home and bringing it with you in a reusable container.
  3. Shop sales and use coupons: Keep an eye out for sales and use coupons whenever possible to save money on snacks and drinks.
  4. Buy in bulk: Another way to save money on snacks and drinks is to buy in bulk. Many stores offer discounts when you buy in larger quantities, so it pays to stock up when you see a good deal.
  5. Avoid impulse purchases: Try to avoid impulse purchases when it comes to snacks and drinks. It can be easy to get tempted by vending machines, convenience stores, and fast food restaurants, but these purchases can add up quickly and make a significant dent in your budget. By planning ahead and bringing your own snacks and drinks, you can save money and still satisfy your cravings.
  6. Consider alternatives: Finally, consider alternative options to save money on snacks and drinks. For example, instead of buying bottled water, consider using a reusable water bottle and filling it up from the tap. This can save you money and reduce your impact on the environment. Similarly, instead of buying expensive snack bars or packaged snacks, consider making your own. This can save you money and allow you to control the ingredients and portion sizes.

Tip #6: Set limits on treats and special occasions

Treats and special occasions, such as birthday parties and holidays, can be a fun and enjoyable part of family life, but they can also be expensive. The cost of treats, such as sweets and snacks, can add up quickly, and the cost of special occasions, such as birthday parties and holidays, can also be significant.

According to the National Retail Federation, the average American family spends approximately $700 on holiday celebrations and gifts each year. This figure includes costs such as decorations, food, and gifts. Similarly, the average cost of a child’s birthday party in the United States is approximately $300, according to the Birthday Party Survey by the parenting website Red Tricycle. This figure includes costs such as invitations, decorations, party favors, and entertainment.

Here are a few more tips on how to save money on treats and special occasions:

  1. Set limits on gift spending: One of the easiest ways to save money on treats and special occasions is to set limits on gift spending. By setting a budget and sticking to it, you can help ensure that you don’t overspend on gifts and have more money available for other necessities. Consider setting limits on how much you spend per person or per occasion, and consider creative, low-cost alternatives to traditional gifts.
  2. Plan ahead: Another way to save money on treats and special occasions is to plan ahead and take advantage of early bird discounts or special offers. By planning ahead and being proactive, you can often save money on these expenses.
  3. Find free or low-cost activities: Instead of spending a lot of money on entertainment, consider finding free or low-cost activities for special occasions. For example, instead of going to an expensive theme park or movie theater, consider having a picnic, going for a hike, or visiting a local museum. These activities can be just as fun and enjoyable, and they can save you money.
  4. Be creative: Consider being creative and finding low-cost or free alternatives to traditional treats and special occasions. For example, instead of buying expensive gifts, consider making your own or finding creative, low-cost alternatives. Similarly, instead of hosting a lavish birthday party, consider having a smaller, more intimate celebration or finding alternative, low-cost options for entertainment. By thinking outside the box and being resourceful, you can save money on treats and special occasions and still create meaningful and enjoyable experiences for your family.

Tip #7: Take advantage of free or discounted activities for families

It’s important to find ways to have fun as a family without breaking the bank. While it’s natural to want to provide your children with the best experiences and opportunities, it’s also important to be mindful of your budget and to look for ways to save money on family activities.

One of the easiest ways to have fun as a family is to take advantage of free or low-cost activities. Many communities offer a variety of free or low-cost activities, such as parks, playgrounds, libraries, and community centers, that can be great sources of entertainment for children and families. Additionally, many local schools and community organizations offer free or low-cost classes, sports teams, and clubs that can be a great way for children to learn and grow, while also providing an opportunity for families to spend time together.

Another way to have fun as a family without spending too much is to be creative and find low-cost or free alternatives to traditional activities. For example, instead of going to an expensive theme park or movie theater, consider having a picnic, going for a hike, or visiting a local museum. These activities can be just as fun and enjoyable, and they can save you money. Consider setting limits on non-essential expenses, such as treats and outings, to free up more money for family activities.

Here are a few ideas for free or discounted activities that families can enjoy:

  1. Local parks: Many communities offer a variety of local parks that can be great sources of entertainment for children and families. These parks often have playgrounds, sports courts, and other amenities that can provide hours of fun.
  2. Libraries: Many libraries offer a variety of free or low-cost programs and activities for children and families, such as story times, craft workshops, and book clubs. These programs can be a great way for children to learn and have fun in a safe and supportive environment.
  3. Community centers: Many communities have community centers that offer a variety of classes, sports teams, and clubs for children and families. These programs can be a great way for children to learn and grow, while also providing an opportunity for families to spend time together.
  4. Museums: Many museums offer free or discounted admission on certain days or for certain groups, such as students or military families. By taking advantage of these offers, families can visit museums and other cultural institutions without breaking the bank.
  5. Local events: Many communities host a variety of events, such as festivals, concerts, and parades, that can be a great source of entertainment for families. These events are often free or low-cost, and they can be a great way to spend time together and experience new things.
  6. Playing games at home: Don’t forget all the fun things you used to do as a child yourself. Hide and seek, board games, DIYs, playing sports in your backyard. All these activities are things that both kids and adults can always enjoy, and I bet you can come up with something that everyone at home can agree to participate in.

Tip #8: Use cashback and reward programs for child-related expenses

Cashback and reward programs can be a great way to save money on everyday expenses, such as groceries and household items. These programs allow you to earn money back on your purchases, which can add up to significant savings over time.

One of the benefits of using cashback and reward programs is that they can be used on a wide range of purchases, including items like diapers and formula. These items can be expensive, and using a cashback or reward program can help offset the cost.

To use cashback and reward programs, you typically need to sign up for a program and use a linked credit or debit card to make purchases. Some programs also allow you to earn cashback or rewards by shopping through their website or app. When you make a purchase, you’ll typically earn a percentage of the purchase price back in the form of cashback or rewards. In addition to earning money back on purchases, cashback and reward programs can also offer other benefits, such as discounts on items and services, special offers and promotions, and access to exclusive events and experiences.

Here are a few examples of cashback and reward programs to consider:

  1. Credit card rewards: Many credit cards offer rewards programs that allow you to earn points, cashback, or other rewards on your purchases. These rewards can be redeemed for a variety of items, such as gift cards, merchandise, and travel. Some credit cards also offer special rewards categories, such as increased cashback on gas or groceries, which can help you save even more.
  2. Loyalty programs: Many retailers and brands offer loyalty programs that allow you to earn points, cashback, or other rewards on your purchases. These programs are often free to join, and you can typically earn rewards by shopping in-store or online. Some loyalty programs also offer special promotions and discounts, which can help you save even more.
  3. Cashback apps: There are many cashback apps available that allow you to earn money back on your purchases. These apps typically work by linking your credit or debit card and offering cashback on eligible purchases. Some apps also offer special deals and promotions, which can help you save even more.
  4. Online shopping portals: Many online shopping portals offer cashback or rewards on purchases made through their website or app. These portals typically work by offering cashback or rewards on purchases made at participating retailers. To earn cashback or rewards, you typically need to shop through the portal and pay with a linked credit or debit card.

Tip #9: Sell or donate items that are no longer being used

Decluttering and getting rid of items that are no longer being used can have a number of benefits, including financial ones. By getting rid of clutter, you can free up space in your home, making it feel more organized and comfortable. Additionally, getting rid of items that are no longer being used can help you save money in a number of ways.

One benefit of decluttering is that you can earn money by selling items that are in good condition. For example, you can sell items through online marketplaces, such as eBay or Poshmark, or through local buy and sell groups. By selling items that you no longer need, you can earn money that can be used to pay down debt, save for the future, or simply enjoy.

Another benefit of decluttering is that you can donate items to a good cause, such as a local thrift store or charitable organization. Donating items can not only help you declutter your home, but it can also help those in need and support a good cause. Many charitable organizations accept a wide range of items, including clothes, toys, and household items, and the proceeds from these donations can be used to support important causes and make a positive impact in the community.

Here are a few tips on how to sell or donate items:

  1. Use online marketplaces: One of the easiest ways to sell items that you no longer need is to use online marketplaces, such as eBay or Poshmark. These platforms allow you to list items for sale and reach a wide audience of potential buyers. To sell items on these platforms, you’ll typically need to create an account, take photos of your items, and create a listing with a description and price. You’ll then need to package and ship the items to the buyers when they are sold.
  2. Use local buy and sell groups: Many communities have local buy and sell groups on social media platforms, such as Facebook, where you can list items for sale. These groups are often focused on a specific location or interest, and they can be a great way to reach a local audience of potential buyers. To sell items through these groups, you’ll typically need to create a post with a photo and description of the item, along with the price. You’ll then need to arrange for the item to be picked up or delivered to the buyer when it is sold.
  3. Donate to a thrift store: Another option for getting rid of items that you no longer need is to donate them to a thrift store. Many thrift stores accept a wide range of items, including clothes, toys, and household items, and the proceeds from these donations can be used to support important causes and make a positive impact in the community. To donate items to a thrift store, you’ll typically need to drop them off at a donation center or have them picked up from your home.
  4. Donate to a charitable organization: There are many charitable organizations that accept donations of items, including clothes, toys, and household items. These organizations often have donation centers or pickup services, and the proceeds from these donations can be used to support important causes and make a positive impact in the community. To donate items to a charitable organization, you can typically contact them directly to arrange for the items to be picked up or dropped off.

Craigslist is a website that allows users to buy and sell a wide range of items. If you have things that you no longer need or want, such as old toys or clothes, you can consider using Craigslist to sell or donate them.

If you prefer to donate your items, the website allows you to find organizations or individuals in your community who are in need of the items you have. Many charitable organizations and individuals use Craigslist to find donations, and you can use the website to connect with them and arrange for the items to be picked up or delivered.

Tip #10: Consider trading services with other parents

Trading services with other parents can be a great way to save money and build community. By trading services with other parents, you can help each other out with tasks and responsibilities, such as babysitting, carpooling, or household chores, and save money in the process.

One benefit of trading services with other parents is that it can help you save money on childcare and other expenses. For example, if you trade babysitting services with another parent, you can save money on the cost of hiring a babysitter or paying for a daycare. Similarly, if you trade carpooling services with another parent, you can save money on gas and car maintenance costs.

Another benefit of trading services with other parents is that it can help you build a sense of community and support. By working together and helping each other out, you can create a sense of connection and belonging that can be especially valuable for busy parents.

To trade services with other parents, you can consider joining a local parenting group or starting your own network of parents who are interested in trading services. You can also reach out to other parents individually to see if they are interested in trading services.

Here are a few examples of services that can be traded with other parents:

  1. Babysitting: Babysitting is a common service that parents often trade with each other. By trading babysitting services with another parent, you can save money on the cost of hiring a babysitter or paying for a daycare. Additionally, trading babysitting services can be a great way to build a sense of community and support among parents.
  2. Carpooling: Carpooling is another service that parents often trade with each other. By trading carpooling services, you can save money on gas and car maintenance costs, as well as reduce your carbon footprint. Additionally, carpooling can be a great way to build a sense of community and support among parents.
  3. Household chores: Parents can also trade household chores, such as cleaning, laundry, and yard work, to help each other out and save money on the cost of hiring a professional. Trading household chores can be a great way to build a sense of community and support among parents, as well as make your home more efficient and organized.
  4. Specialized services: Parents can also trade specialized services, such as tutoring, music lessons, or home repair, to help each other out and save money on the cost of hiring a professional. Trading specialized services can be a great way to build a sense of community and support among parents, as well as provide valuable learning and growth opportunities for children.

Extra Tip: Making use of free educational websites

Using free educational websites can be a great way to save money on tutoring classes and other educational expenses. One example of a free educational website is Khan Academy, which offers a wide range of educational resources, including video lessons, practice exercises, and interactive challenges. Khan Academy covers a variety of subjects, including math, science, history, and computer programming, and it is suitable for students of all ages.

Other examples of free educational websites include:

  1. Coursera: Coursera is a platform that offers online courses and degree programs from top universities and educational institutions around the world. Many of the courses on Coursera are free, and they cover a wide range of subjects, including business, computer science, and the arts.
  2. edX: edX is a platform that offers online courses and degree programs from top universities and educational institutions around the world. Like Coursera, many of the courses on edX are free, and they cover a wide range of subjects, including engineering, data science, and the humanities.
  3. Open Culture: Open Culture is a website that offers a wide range of free educational resources, including online courses, ebooks, audio books, and language lessons. Open Culture covers a variety of subjects, including literature, history, and the arts, and it is suitable for learners of all ages.
  4. YouTube provides a large variety of courses on a lot of subjects, entirely for free. Many of these are created by teachers, but be mindful that anyone can upload their own videos, so it’s advisable that you check out a few videos and judge by yourself before sitting your kid in front of the screen.

By using these and other free educational websites, you can save money on tutoring classes and other educational expenses, while still providing your children with high-quality learning opportunities. So, it is very important to consider these websites.

As a busy mom, it’s important to find ways to save money on child-related expenses, without sacrificing the well-being and happiness of your family. By following these money-saving tips, you can budget effectively, save money on school and extracurricular expenses, cut down on unnecessary purchases, and find low-cost ways to have fun as a family.

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